Essential Healing Massage

"I am dedicated to improving the general well being of all my clients and return you to a state of pain free movement." ~ Paulette Gehrke LMT


Massage Termination

Only professional massage and bodywork services for relaxation or therapeutic purposes are offered
at this massage practice. Massage services will be terminated immediately in the event of
inappropriate conduct of any kind. This includes harassment, threatening speech or behavior, sexual
advances or requests, or disrespectful actions or language. A session will not be conducted if the client
is under the influence of drugs or alcohol. If the massage is terminated for any of these reasons, full
payment for the scheduled session is still required.

Draping Policy

Clients will be appropriately draped with a sheet and/or towel at all times during their massage. Only
areas of the body that are currently being treated will be exposed. The breast and genital areas will
always remain draped and are never massaged.

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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